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  • Donation Opportunities

  • The High Holiday season is an appropriate time to give charity. We pray and beseech G-d for a happy and healthy New Year, and we commit to strengthening ourselves in the areas of repentance, prayer, and charity. 

    Chabad Owings Mills does not charge membership fees or have a set fee for High Holiday seats. We are committed to strengthening Jewish identity, unity, and commitment in our community. However, we cannot do this alone; we count on support from local people known for their benevolence, sincerity, and sensitivity to the needs of our community. We are able to continue to provide for the needs of the Jewish community only because of generous people as yourself.

    Of course, no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. Every Jew – without exception – is welcome.

    Chabad Owings Mills Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, and all contributions are tax-deductible.

    Thank you for being our partner.

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