Dedicate a Chumash or Siddur (or both) "in honor" or "in loving memory" of a loved one. Donors info will be printed inside the Chumash/Siddur.

I want to donate Chumashim at $65/each.

I want to donate Siddurim at $35/each.

I want to donate set/s of Chumash and Siddur at $100/set.

My total contribution is $ USD


In Memory of
Make a donation in memory of a deceased family member or friend.

In Honor of
Make a donation in honor of someone or to celebrate a joyous occasion.


First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Email address
Card number
CVV Code What's this?

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Please wait a few seconds for acknowledgement online that your information was received. We will send you a receipt once your donation has been processed. If you have problems with this form, please notify us by clicking here