
Tefillin Bank

  • What are Tefillin?
    Tefillin are black leather boxes containing Hebrew parchment scrolls, worn by Jewish men and boys (over Bar Mitzvah) on a daily basis. A set includes two -- one for the head and one for the arm. Each consists of three main components: the scrolls, the box, and the strap.

    What is the Tefillin Bank?
    The Tefillin Bank is a service offered by Chabad Owings Mills for local Jewish men and boys over Bar Mitzvah. Thanks to generous donors, and a grant from the Crane Foundation, we are able to provide beautiful and kosher tefillin at a highly subsidized rate. We also offer to check your current tefillin to make sure they are kosher. 

    How do I get a pair?
    For a limited time, we have tefillin available for a highly subsidized rate ($350/pair = 50% discount). Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you, and will even teach you how to properly wear them.

    The fine print
    This offer is for residents of Owings Mills and Reisterstown only. 
    The tefillin should always be treated with appropriate respect.
    This offer is subject to availability. 

    To learn more about the mitzvah of Tefillin, visit 
    To reach the Mezuzah Bank, click here

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