
Mezuzah Bank

  • What is a Mezuzah? 
    A mezuzah mounted on the doorpost designates the home as Jewish, reminding us of our connection to G-d and to our beloved Jewish heritage. It is one of the 613 commandments in the Torah.

    Contrary to popular belief, a mezuzah is not the outer container. The mezuzah is actually the parchment scroll within, on which the "Shema" - a biblical passage declaring the oneness of G-d - is handwritten by an expert scribe.

    The mezuzah is also a symbol of G-d's watchful care over the home and its residents. The name of G-d, Sha-dai, which appears on the reverse side of the parchment, is an acronym for the Hebrew words Shomer Daltot Yisrael which mean "Guardian of the doorways of Israel." By placing a mezuzah on the doors of a home or office, one protects the inhabitants - whether they are inside or outside.

    What is the Mezuzah Bank?
    The Mezuzah Bank is a service offered by Chabad Owings Mills for local Jewish homes and offices. Thanks to generous donors, and a grant from the Crane Foundation, we are able to provide beautiful and kosher mezuzot at a highly subsidized rate for all the rooms of your home. We also offer to check any mezuzot you may have to make sure they are kosher. 

    How do I get one? 
    For a limited time, we have mezuzot available for a highly subsidized rate ($36/each = 50% discount). Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you to schedule a time to come and affix the mezuzah/mezuzot to your home.

    The fine print
    This offer is for residents of Owings Mills and Reisterstown only.
    The mezuzah should always be treated with appropriate respect.
    This offer is subject to availability.

    To learn more about the mitzvah of mezuzah, visit 
    To reach the Tefillin Bank, 
    click here

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