
Mom Yisrael Chai

  • Hello there Jewish Women,

    Do you feel like you have some missing gaps in your Jewish knowledge?
    Maybe you never had the opportunity to study before your Bat Mitzvah?
    Would you love to have a great basic overview of a variety of topics in Judaism?

    This course is for you! The Jewish woman's journey from 12-120: It's never too late to learn!

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    This course is dedicated to Zelda bas Nochum Hilel a"h Katsenelenbogen, who passed away on August 21, 2017. Zelda was a courageous woman who grew up in Soviet Russia and never had the opportunity to formally study Judaism, yet she made the effort to learn on her own, and managed to raise a wonderfully educated and G-d fearing family.

  • Please register me for the Mom Yisrael Chai course!

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